Yay Update? |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Just another update. I'll make
it short and simple. I had to
change my password with Globat.
It took 5 days for it to process
with Frontpage, so I was
restricted from updating.
Otherwise, there would be an
update earlier, but I wasn't
able to.
Outside of that, as many of
you already know, Super Mario
RPG was released on the Virtual
Console 12 days ago. That's
really all I have to update on. |
Ch-Ch-Changes |
Posted by Super Mallow |
So...it's been another 12
days...college is back and
running, and I already have a
ton of work. It seems like the
first week everyone else I know
has an intro class or something,
but yet, I've already gotten
slammed with 3 papers (and like,
they're due this week still),
I've already had to read a whole
novel (and it was a play to make
it worse written in English from
1604), as well as do regular
homework and read from our
textbooks (yay 90 page
chapters?) Everyone else I
know doesn't even have a tenth
of my work, literally. I had the
same thing last year. I have
really, really bad luck
apparently. Oh yeah, and don't
forget that I had to pay 500$
for a camera for one class that
was just added this semester and
found out a day before the class
started. Oh wait, that's right,
I didn't have the money: I spent
it on Sml 2 months ago or
whenever I renewed it, so now I
have to repay people. Which
means for the semester I'll
probably have to get a job (I
work all the time, but never
during school - it doesn't work
for me that way) further cutting
into my time and everything.
X_X. It's been a bad week...
Anyways, because of it, I
didn't update earlier than I
wanted to. But I have some time
right now, so I'm updating. It's
a simple quick update: major
change at the board, go there if
you want to find out. |
Back For Good? |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Well, if we're ever going to
recover, we took the first step
Message Board has been fully
restored and opened. All the
returning sections are back, as
well as a new banner, a new
section, and some cosmetic
changes to make it look better.
I reopened it because a bunch
of people were asking for its
reopening. I personally don't
care too much, but if it indeed
open, I'm not letting it flop.
Obviously, some members will not
be returning, and that's fine.
If the board dies, it does.
So, if you're interested in
it or were there before and want
to join or rejoin, there you go.
If not, well, we'll see how it
turns out. |
The Message Board Turns 2 |
Posted by Super Mallow |
After the site turned 2, it's
the Message Board's turn. It was
added 6 days after the site was
started. It's not nearly as big
of a day as 6 days ago, but the
board's open once more for the
date Outside of that...well,
no real news. It's been really
slow nearly everywhere I go. Or
at least, that's how it seems. |
Mario Legacy Turns 2 |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Aggressively, we all defend the
role we play
Regrettably, time's come to send
you on your way
We've seen it all, bonfires of
trust to flashfloods of pain
It doesn't really matter, don't
you worry it'll all work out
No it doesn't even matter, don't
you worry what it's all about
We hope you enjoyed your stay
It's good to have you with us,
even if it's just for the day
We hope you enjoyed your stay
Outside the sun is shining,
seems like heaven ain't far away
It's good to have you with us
Even if it's just for the day
Added: Special Section: Mario Legacy's Second Anniversary |
E3 2008 = Wow (Sarcasm, Right?)
// Board Reopened |
Posted by Super Mallow |
This is a shocker: An actual
update! Well, scratch that.
There would be an actual update,
but if you're were watching
Nintendo's E3 press conference,
you already know not 1 single
thing Mario was shown. In short:
The whole press conference was
the absolute most disappointing
press conference in the history
of E3.
So, obviously, there's not
really all that much to cover.
Or I actually would have 'cause
I can still get excited for E3.
We do have some site news,
surprisingly. The
Message Board is reopened
and the link has been re-added
to the navigation on the left.
However, this is only for a
special event. The board will be
open for what was one week (it
opened yesterday) until next
week Tuesday, so 6 more days.
There is something special on
Tuesday. Expect an update then.
I've told some people what it
is, so if you know, just keep a
lid on it. |
Just Another Update |
Posted by Super Mallow |
This is going to be a short
one... First off, would like
to address some emails I've
gotten concerning a new
layout/version. I've gotten some
people asking me what the new
version is going to look like. I
suppose that people are thinking
that because of no new content,
but I can tell you, there is not
going to be a version 4 at this
time. The thought has never
crossed my mind at this point,
so I haven't even planned one
With over 350+ pages, it
would take me months. Making new
graphics for each section and
just coming up with something
new would take forever. If I
can't be motivated to take 15
minutes and make a new page,
there's no shot I'm going to
take so much time to make a new
version. So if you were thinking
that's why there was no new
content, well, I can only tell
you that you thought wrong.
Secondly, I've set up an
auto-reply for the email. I will
still read them all and
personally respond if needed,
but everyone who sends and email
will get an auto-reply anyways. |
The Bill Has Come |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Another update...they are
starting to get more distant
from one another. Anyways, no
new content whatsoever. I tried
again to add a page about 8
different times this week, and
again, I failed to even start
it. I...just can't do it. No
matter how large or small the
page is, I cannot get myself to
fully dedicate myself to
anything involved with the site.
This makes it 4 straight
updates with no content. Well, I
suppose you can count the Mario
Kart Wii sections, but I had
those done before we
reopened...I haven't made
anything since.
I also haven't responded to
any emails I've gotten recently.
Like the site, I just can't be
bothered to answer them. I
apologize to the people sending
them. I appreciate the mail but
I just do not have the heart to
sit down and respond to them.
Outside of the usually
things, we have some news: I've
gotten the bill to host the site
for another year. While I do not
want to pay it, I know that
doesn't sit well with everyone
involved. So I'm going to have
to try and scrap triple digits
together, and that'll be a
stretch. I don't want to dip
into my college funding I have
set aside, but it looks like at
this point, I'm going to have
to. We'll see shortly enough |
Updating |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Just wanted to quickly update
for everyone In Mario news,
Super Mario RPG is set for
release on the Virtual Console
on July 24 in Japan. 2 days
away, it's so close.
In site news, nothing was
added. I literally tried to
start making a small page 10
different times this week, and I
just could not motivate myself.
My desire is so drained right
now, I just could not get myself
to make anything new. So
unfortunately, no new content. |
Mario Kart Wii Sections |
Posted by Super Mallow |
First content update since the
whole incident. Going with some
Mario Kart Wii here. Before it,
let's just clear up some
misunderstandings from the
previous update. There seems to
be a lot of them, but I suppose
that is to be expected. 1. No,
those sections aren't coming
back. Sorry, they aren't. At
least not now.
2. TRP is not something I'm
going to reveal. It was probably
the best thing that, if
implemented, could ever happen
to us, but it is no longer a
3. I don't care if you tell
people the site's back up. Total
misunderstanding. It's for those
who were directly involved
with Sml's closure. If not,
go ahead, say what to want. It's
not like I'm trying to keep it a
secret, it's not. The people who
were involved know their
position, I just don't want help
from them anymore. Simple as
4. If you have an issue,
take it up with me. Please,
don't go around commenting about
myself or the site without
getting word from me first.
Completely unfair to the site
and myself. And people know I
give them every chance to
explain themselves, so it's not
like I'm asking anything that is
major or problematic
I've gotten lots of lovely
messages lately, and I know
there's some things being said
people thought I'd never see.
I'm not saying I don't deserve
my share of the criticism, nor
am I saying that I'm incredibly
enthused to be in this situation
right now. Just make sure it's
fair. That's all I ask.
So, hopefully that clears
some things up. If not, take
your issues, comments, or
questions up with me. I'm
always available through email
and my messengers (Although if
you weren't at the board, it's
just email for you) and always
On the positive note, 2 new
sections added. Ok, so they're
not the biggest of all sections,
but they're up. I don't know
why, but I'm a bit on a Yoshi's
Safari binge right now, so if
you see a lot of that content
coming soon, don't be surprised.
Added: Mario Kart Wii Game Information
Added: Mario Kart Wii Review |
Well, Look What We Got Here |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Surprise, surprise Anyways, it
looks as though we're back up
and running. As to why, I don't
want to get into it, we just
are. Sadly, I don't personally
want to even be involved with
it, but other people just cannot
let old things die for some
There's a few major changes.
You'll notice it in the way I
update and add content, the
attitude and such will be
radically different. I'm not
going to run into the same
situations that have occurred
before us. For starters, the
following sections have been
Removed: Comic Series: Super Mario RPG -
The Legacy Continues...
Removed: Messageboard
Removed: Story Saga: Super Mario Legacy
High School
Removed: Super Fans
Don't count on them coming
back either, especially the
Messageboard since there's
already a duplicate board out
there. Another problem we is
that 10-12 of the 20-25 sections
I had planned will now never
reach the site, so that's highly
unfortunate. Especially TRP...we
don't need to go there
Unfortunately, we're just
another information site.
Nothing special, nothing more.
Kind of killed what we were
before, but that's what the
people closest to the site
apparently wanted. Yahoo...
For those who wanted the site
back up: There you go. For those
who didn't: Sucks for you. To
those actually involved with
it's closure: Don't spread the
word to anyone, we don't
need or want your help. |
...So... |
Posted by Super Mallow |
This update is long overdue and
I apologize for not updating in
over a week. School's out now!
Actually, this update is one of
our very few negative updates.
For those non-message board
members, I'll just make it
short: There's been a lot of
conflict recently and things
have literally gotten out of
control. Because of it, a lot of
turnover has occurred.
I plan on updating on
Saturday (May 10), so check back
then. |
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Review |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Well, the plan wasn't to have
this long of a gap in between
updates! Actually, there's a
reason for that. In the time
between updates, I was working
on a project I call the
But, as for this site, I
managed to write out review for
Brawl. It's actually well in
depth and some of my person
friends enjoyed it, which was
new. I will admit to 1 paragraph
that was a little bit of a rant
on my part. Those who know me
will easily identify it, though
others will as well.
So, that's it for this
update. I am actually updating
from my secret fort...which is
actually my bed made into a fort
that I did 20 minutes ago by
draping sheets from the top
(Don't you just miss the days
of being a little kid!??!)
(On a serious note, it is the
last week of school, which means
finals. I will be taking time
off for it)
Added: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Review |
Audi Famam Illius |
Posted by Super Mallow |
This update comes much later
than I wanted it to. It wasn't
really intended to be 17 days
after the other one. My head
problems, in terms of my
headaches and migraines and
dizziness, have been suppressed
for the majority, but they still
linger. Since then, and since
I'm on constantly new medicine,
my mental state has been altered
constantly in the last 3 weeks.
In short: I currently have no
motivation to work on the site.
Had I had the motivation, I
probably would have got more
done. I'm confident that when my
head problems end, which
luckily, seems like it will
happen soon, I'll regain the
motivation to work on the site
again. It's just no fun right
now with the problems.
With that said, I still
should have updated last week
saying so, which I did not. So
that's on me. In the meantime,
there's 3 points of news.
During your visit,
please visit the Super Nintendo
page. There's a counter on the
bottom of it to help with some
testing I'm doing. The counter
is not accurate, so don't worry
too much about the number that
you see. I just need to test
Added: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Theme Lyrics |
Introducing Mario Legacy High School! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Introducing Mario Legacy
High School: A tale of love,
hate and everything that is high
It's actually ml's own piece
of Fan Fiction! The story
revolves around the Mario
characters in a high school,
with some Mario Legacy
members thrown in! The story is
actually a parody of another
story that was done in the same
manner. The beginning of the
story can be found under
Story Saga.
That's the major update for
today. Actually, this is the
first time that there's been an
update in the last 22 days, our
biggest drought yet. It was not
meant to be that way. For nearly
a month now, I've been suffering
from a whole lot of problems,
including series of intense
migraines, tension headaches,
cluster headaches, dizziness,
vertigo, nausea, night terrors,
anxiety/panic attacks, sinus
colds, ear pressure, and ear
aches. It has been a horrible
3-4 weeks, and the worst part
it, no doctor has been able to
figure out what is wrong so far.
I was highly unmotivated to
update with the site during the
time, so I didn't.
During the times where I was
feeling pretty decent, I was
playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl,
more specifically the members of
the Message Board. I have a lot
of information for it right now,
and a review should be
coming shortly. We're actually
having a tournament right now at
the Message Board, so that
should be fun. One of the things
I've planned for the site is to
have tournaments, and I can tell
you that they will come shortly.
Who knows, there may even be
actual prizes...
I've caught up on all my
emails and everything and am
starting to feel a bit better,
but there are some times where
my head problems flare up. If
you contact me and don't get a
reply, it's probably because of
that! Going through them, I've
noticed there is a somewhat
peaking interest in the Weekly
Top 5. I actually have something
to replace it with, but it may
come sooner than planned
Everything's caught up and
hopefully, a Smash Bros. Review
is coming soon!
Added: 3 Fan Arts
Added: 2 Fan Comics
Added: Story Saga - Mario High School
Added: Mario High School Chapter 1 |
2 New Super Mario Galaxy
Soundtracks! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Soundtracks are a rare thing to
come to Mario Legacy, but
with the news of 1,000,000 page
views, it was time to do
something special! Super Mario
Galaxy was a great game with a
great soundtrack, so why not
combine them with Sml's top
moment so far? 2 Super Mario
Galaxy Soundtracks have been
added! There is some other
content added, with a featured
article that I'm very proud to
have written. It's about Super
Smash Bros. Brawl, which I am in
a cycle of excitement for.
Sakurai, the creator, spoke
about it over the recent Game
Developers Conference, which led
me to write the article. I think
there will be people separated
by it: Some will like it (in
terms of its validity) and
others, most likely those who
support Smash Bros. no matter
what, will completely disagree
about it.
Either way, it's a good read!
We've also had a Comic Series
revival. A lot of new comics
have been added, including our
50th Episode! At this point, I'd
say we are about a fourth
through the comic series - I
planned to have around 200
comics, and we're right on
Comics, Soundtracks, and
Articles - It's been a good
Added: Article 5: Sakurai's Loss of Respect
Added: Super Mario Galaxy Gold Soundtrack
Added: Super Mario Galaxy Platinum Soundtrack |
1,000,000 Page Views! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
We're at our first, first major
landmark for the site: 1,000,000
Total Page Views!
Here's the breakdown: We've
had about 180,000 page views in
2008. We averaged about 60,000
views a month in 2007, giving us
about 720,000. However, the last
few months of 2007, our averaged
increased, and we finished with
about 790,000 views. That's
888,000 views alone. We averaged
about 500 views per day the last
4 month of 2006, giving us
10,000 views a month. That's about 1,010,000
views in total, or the
equivalent of 5 days over. Of
course, those are estimated
numbers, we're a bit higher than
I waited with this update
until I was 100% of the numbers,
My webstats skewer occasionally
and the stats go blank after
they've already been recorded,
so I take the lowest number of
the month and apply it through
(I have made topics on Sml's
forums with the numbers for
reference). The actual number is
higher than 1,000,000!
So it's a great landmark for
us! I'll make today the official
1,000,000 page view day because
I don't know the actual day.
That means we've been on the web
for 579 days since July 22,
2006. Pretty
good considering I've never
advertised the site and the fact we
only have 2 allies!
That means our total page
view average for 1,000,000 is
approximately 1730 views per
day. That's spot on with the
statistics - we averaged 500-750
the first few months, about
1500-1700 the other months, and
over 2500 in current time.
Average out 700, 1500, and 2500,
and you get 1563 page views per
day - but like I said earlier,
the total views are higher, so
1730 is very, very accurate with
these rounded estimations.
This is a day I will
remember, and I will remember it
as the day we can say "we made
it." And I use "we" because it
really is a group effort
combined of myself and the fans.
And I thank them for the
opportunities they've given us,
and I hope that they will
continue to watch us through the
great times and through the
miserable times. |
Podcast? |
Posted by Super Mallow |
I think 13 days is the longest
we've been without an update. I
had too much going on at
Smrpglegacy with all the Brawl
rumors and such, so I didn't
really post anything here! I
am wondering though if people
would like a Podcast. As a
Telecommunications student, I
have full access to recording
equipment, as well as a
soundproof booth and materials.
I've already used it, so I know
how to record a Podcast and put
it in .Mp3 formation.
The Message Board members
weren't that fond of the idea,
so I would like to know if a lot
of people are. Let me know if
it's a good idea or a bad idea.
Other than the podcast, no
real news or content right now.
I finally remembered what I
added and never reported - I
added all the Victor's names to
their respective Game Challenge
pages! I've decided that after
February, I will no longer add
them month by month, I'll just
add them as they come in!
Added: Character Profiles - Bow |
Fan Works, New Area Profile, And
Some News |
Posted by Super Mallow |
I tried to get this update up
earlier, but was unable to.
Server work, not so much fun.
Anyways, we've received some new
Fan pieces! Always good to see
those. There has been a concern
though: The
Fan Art page is getting
large. Yes, that's a good thing,
but people are not liking that
their piece merely gets listed
in a giant list.
That's an obvious flaw of the
system. I'm thinking of giving
each person their own gallery, I
just have to see how that would
work. I would do that for the
other Fan sections as well.
Other than the Fan Works, not
a whole lot has been added.
Kkslider of the
Message Board asked for some
Area Profiles and
Character Profiles, so I did
one for him. That's posted in
the list at the end of the
update. He's a mega Paper Mario
fan, so it's a pretty safe bet
that the new profile is a
location in the game.
Or is it? No, really, it is!
You'll just have to scroll down
to see what it is. Yes, I'm
using the element of suspense
even though it's a few lines
And now for the news: Check back on Friday. I'll
be posting some very big news
for those who have doubted the
site, wanted Geno in Super Smash
Bros. Brawl, etc. It's been
getting ripped to shreds by some
fans at other boards, but I
think they'll like the update
that'll be posted.
Added: Area Profiles - Shiver City
Added: 4 Fan Arts |
Face the Music |
Posted by Super Mallow |
I can't start the update without
saying this first: *Smrpg's Sad
Song Plays* Allright, time to
come forward and take the heat
about our Brawl Report. In
short: It was wrong, as of this
Let's going into that
further. While I was going to
post a second part to it, I
decided not to because we all
knew all the leaks were coming
this week. I figured there's no
point, we'll find out everything
then. Although, at this point, I
could've told you guys 2 weeks
ago that Square-Enix would not
be involved with Brawl.
The second part of the Brawl
report was going to basically
say that we had a false source.
One of my sources was a leaker,
and it was my strongest source.
He told me (I will not use his
name for obvious reasons) that
there had been proposed movesets
for Geno as a playable
character, as well as a Mario
RPG stage, though I never
learned what this supposed stage
was. I was also told that Yoko
Shimomura would be arranging the
music, just as it was done for
Super Mario RPG. The last thing
I learned was that Mallow was on
the verge of being an Assist
Obviously, that is not the
case anymore - the leaker had
information and it served as a
bad tip for us. For those who
haven't been following the
leaks, Geno is not going to be a
playable character, nor is
anyone from Square-Enix. We will
never know 100% for sure until
the game is officially released,
but based on all the credible
leakers out there, all their
predictions were correct, so
they had inside sources.
ChaosZero, a reliable leaker,
has stated today that Geno will
not be in Brawl, so we base this
update on the correctness of
that statement.
I will say that the leaker
who gave us this information was
correct in a few other things,
mainly Yoshi's Final Smash,
Stickers, and Mario's moves. So
I took him as credible, because
all came true, much before the
Brawl Report was released here.
I call it how I see it, so I
reported what I had uncovered.
It sounded good until now,
because we know none of that
will be happening, according to
those who already have the game.
Is it possible? I suppose, but
in reality, it's not happening.
It's like what I said on
September 24, 2007: If I was
wrong, I'd tell you guys! |
Super Mario Galaxy Review |
Posted by Super Mallow |
It's been 11 days since the last
update. I didn't expect it to be
that long but I was having some
issues with Windows Vista and
was not able to use a lot of its
functionality. Anyways, as
promised, a
Super Mario Galaxy Review
has been added! I believe that
it is the most in-depth/well
written review that I've ever
completed, so I hope a lot of
people will enjoy reading it,
despite the fact that many
people have read multiple
reviews on it before.
The second part of the Super
Smash Bros. Brawl report is
delayed, I haven't had a chance
to really work on it. Since it's
been delayed until March 9, I
can afford to wait with it a
bit, though I know a lot of
people are looking forward to
reading it.
Lastly, I appreciate all the
new pieces of fan pieces! We
were in real need of some new
pieces, so it was good to get
some new stuff. We're having
quite the list in the Fan Art
section, so I'm thinking about
giving everyone their own page
to serve as a gallery. It's
something to be seen in the
future, so right now it will
remain as a giant list.
In the meantime, we still
could use
Fan Art and
Fan Comics. It would be
great if we can get some more
submissions for all of the
Overall, there wasn't a whole
lot of content added, but
there's a few new things here
and there.
Added: 7 Fan
Added: Mario Party 5 Review
Added: Super Mario Galaxy Review |
A New 107 Track Soundtrack!
Another Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Report! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
The first update of 2008. It's a
bit delayed - I actually updated
2 or 3 days ago, but server work
caused it to not go through.
There's something that Super
Smash Bros. Brawl fans will want
to read at the end of it, so
it's good to read the whole
thing this time! Thanks to
Iwelyk, a moderator at the
Message Board, we have a new
Soundtrack available for
dialogue! Iwelyk actually didn't
do anything with the soundtrack,
he just kind of bothered me for
like, 2 weeks about it, so I
finally uploaded it and
everything. Are you happy now
What soundtrack is it? It's
the entire 107 song
Super Mario World Soundtrack!
Iwelyk couldn't find it
anywhere, so I guess it's kind
of rare, but that's not my call
to make
So that's the big thing for
this update. With Super
Mario Galaxy out and everything,
I was hoping people would submit
some fan reviews. There's also been some
confusion on it; I received an
email from someone who wanted to
write one but said there's a Fan
Review already done on it.
That's no problem - if someone's
reviewed a game, anyone can
still review that game. There
can be more than 1 Fan Review
for 1 specific game, so don't
worry about that.
We're also kind of dead in
Fan Art and
Fan Comic sections. We
haven't received a submission in
a little while, and we're hoping
to bring that up to speed.
I've also received a lot of
questions on what coverage we'll
have on Super Mario Galaxy.
Well, that's a good question.
Believe it or not, and yes, this
is coming from me, the
person (That's another story
from the Message Board), I want
to add a ton of Super Mario
Galaxy content because I loved
the game. At the same time, I do
not want to add a lot because if
I do, I will not be able to work
on it anymore in the future!
So, it's a so called Catch
22. I have a lot of good
sections planned for it, but I
just don't know when I'll add
it. I do know that a Review will
be coming very, very soon for
it, most likely the next update.
That I can do. I've also
considered writing a 10-Part
Article Series that would deal
with it, but after posing the
question to Message Board
members, it seems like no one
would really care for it.
In other site related news
(Can you believe how long this
update is? Must be a record),
the week long
Comic Series marathon has
been completed! It really
sparked the series in terms of
fan viewership, though some
people are still skeptical since
they read the first few comics,
don't understand them, and quit.
That's something I may go back
and fix.
And now the news that people
probably skipped down to read:
Super Smash Bros. Brawl. As most
of the visitors know, or the
reason why most of them came in
the first place, Mario
Legacy published the Brawl
Report, indicating our belief
Square-Enix and Brawl are
interlinked. Well, there's a
part 2 coming to it. I think a
lot of people will want to read
it, and I will try to put it up
this week, so check back often!
And now, after all the text,
the part everyone really wants
to see, the list of content!
Added: Super Mario World Soundtrack
Added: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Levels
» Added:
Super Smash Bros. Stages |
Super Mario Galaxy Info |
Posted by Super Mallow |
After a couple up and down
months, content is starting to
come back!
The first thing that was added
was 6 new Game Challenges! There's now
multiple challenges for systems
up through Nintendo 64. I still
have not added those names who
completed challenges and emailed
me, and that's because my laptop
was replaced and I no longer
have the names! If you completed
challenges and emailed me
before, please email me again!
The first batch of names will
probably be put up at the end of
January - we need more
challenges to get more people to
participate at this point.
Other than that, we have another
thing happening: The Week Long
Comic Marathon! In the upcoming
week, 1 new comic will be put up
everyday for the next 7 days
starting tomorrow. For those who
are new to the
Comic Series, let me give a
brief overview: The series is
about the members at the Message Board.
they were made just for some
fun, though now, they have an
actual storyline and it's an
actual series. The first few
comics will make no sense and
will leave people confused, but
if you continue to read later
comics, you'll see the actual
storyline within them!
Other than the 2 things
mentioned, some new game info
has been added. There hasn't
been too much added, but I hope
that'll change soon!
Added: Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Game Information
Added: Super Mario Galaxy GameInformation
Added: Super Mario Galaxy Hidden Message |
Merry Christmas |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Well, how about it? 2 updates in
2 days, must be a new record!
Just posting that I'm back up
and running. I can now
receive/respond to emails again
and all the fun jazz - If you
sent an email to me over the
last week or so, you should be
receiving a response soon!
I also wanted to wish everyone a
Merry Christmas or any other
holiday that you celebrate.
Enjoy the presents! |
Up and Running |
Posted by Super Mallow |
After a long week
and a half, the updates are
I ended up getting a new
computer since I got a full
refund for my old defective one.
I'm currently running Windows
Vista on an Apple laptop - it
works real well.
Because of this, everything was
lost. No, just kidding,
everything's on an outside
source in which I have not done
a file transfer. The downside,
however, is that I no longer
have the web program I normally
use to create the site with!
I'm actually updating on a free
trial of Microsoft's new
program, Expression Web. It's
like Frontpage 2007, which is
good since I normally use
Frontpage 2003. This is a
temporary fix until I either get
my Frontpage 2003 disc or if I
buy Expression Web...which costs
a lot of money which I don't
So, in the meantime and between
time (...), I'll be trying out
this program and see if I can
make pages as I did in 2003.
This may delay some content for
a while, but I'm getting use to
a new program, a new computer
with a third party keyboard
(Since I'm using Windows with an
Apple Keyboard), and a new
operating system. |
Well... |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Just a quick update here, more
of a personal one.
My computer has completely
busted and I'll be taking it in
shortly after this update. This
will leave me unable to do any
work or update the site.
With that, I'll be unable to
receive email or respond to any
email I get. If you need to
contact me, head on over to the
Message Board - I'll still be
active there.
If there is any Super Mario RPG
Ds or Geno in Super Smash Bros.
Brawl news, I'll will post it
there! |
Rumor Revisions |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Well, I got a bit cocky in the
last update, maybe because I was
just a bit overhyped over the
rumor! I apologize for that, I
know a lot of people took it the
wrong way. |
Geno Rumored In Brawl |
Posted by Super Mallow |
This rumor couldn't come with
more perfect timing!
With the rumor of a Super Mario
RPG Ds sequel, which Nintendo
has not denied after I
questioned them, there's another
rumor floating around.
Apparently, Geno will be
confirmed in Super Smash Bros.
Brawl this week...and some are
speculating tomorrow.
This news comes as a bit of a
shock...why would someone know
it before it's posted? The
sources that I've seen may be
good or bad, I do not know their
If you remember, a certain
someone named Super Mallow on a
certain site called Mario
Legacy reported that Square-Enix
might be involved in Brawl.
Remember the Brawl
But before anyone get carried
away, remember, it's just a
rumor. I still stand by my
report, but that doesn't mean
it'll come true this week. It's
all speculation |
Super Mario RPG DS Rumored!!! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
That's right: Super Mario RPG Ds
has just been rumored. It was
rumored in a French magazine.
I will be reporting everything I
find out.
Maybe our 4.5 years of work will
finally be vindicated! |
Minor Update |
Posted by Super Mallow |
It's been 14 days since the last
update. I meant to update
earlier, but I just didn't get
around to doing it!
Not much is new. I have not
added any Game Challenges, and I
haven't added any new pages. I
only get 2 days for Thanksgiving
Break over here, so I don't have
a lot of time to do all this
stuff - nothing like a 6-page
group final project over break
to bring your spirits up.
(Dot Dot Dot)
Anyways, there's 2 new things
added....they were actually up
before the last update, but I
forgot to include them!
Added: Area Profiles - Grass Land
Added: Super Mario RPG Walkthrough |
Introducing Game Challenges |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Mario Legacy introduces
something new: Game
Challenges. What are
game challenges? They're exactly
as the name says - a list of
challenges for players to
complete, all related to Mario.
Time to step it up!
After completing a challenge,
anyone can get their name as a
Victor under that challenge.
There's also Hall of Fame
challenges, which are the
hardest challenges out there.
Challenges will be added
constantly, and a player can
complete as many as possible.
We hope to get a lot of fan-site
participation with this, so
please check it out! A lot of
these challenges you may have
already done, so that makes it
that much easier.
Other than Game Challenges, I
went on another Wallpaper
rampage. Wallpapers were added
for a few games, though in all
honesty, not a whole lot of
actual game information was
added. |
Amazing Brawl Update! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
There's been an amazing Brawl
update today. If you check the
site, most of you'll think I'm
talking about the Stage Editor.
Well, I'm not. I'm talking

Bramble Blast!
That's what I'm talking about.
For those who don't know, I
consider Stickerbrush Symphony,
or Brambles/Bramble Blast to be
the greatest composed song in
gaming history. Composed by Dave
Wise, in was in Donkey Kong
Country 2.
What does this update have to
with Mario? Nothing. And how is
it useful? It isn't! I just
wanted to throw it out
there....besides, it was time
for an update anyways! |
Some Fan Works |
Posted by Super Mallow |
It's been a little bit longer of
a gap between updates than I
anticipated, so I apologize for
Anyways, I'll be a bit distant
from the site for the next
couple days, which also means
the Message Board. I suffered a
high-intensity Migraine
yesterday, and I guess if
someone gets their first
Migraine at my age, it's very
bad. Anyways, I can't play
sports, and I'm not even suppose
to be on the computer - but my
medicines so strong right now
that I managed to get on for a
few minutes.
Right now, there's a poll at the
Message Board that's about a new
section to the site. I'm
thinking about bringing one of
the sections in the poll to the
site, so that may happen. So if
you want to be heard, join up
and vote.
In the meantime, we've had a few
pieces added...
Added: 1 Fan Comic |
A Slightly Smaller Update |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Hopefully everyone wasn't
expecting another 88 items to be
added! We've got a slightly
smaller update this time!
Of course, I let that last
update run a little bit longer
than normal since it was so big.
We've gotten a lot of positive
reception with our Brawl report,
but with that, a lot of
disbelievers have let themselves
been known. Just a matter of
Before the site news, some Mario
news: Because I have not updated
the actual Mario News
page in forever, I'll just say
it here: Super Mario Bros. 2 has
been put on the Virtual Console.
But, it's not necessarily the
version you think it is! It's
actually the Japanese version,
more commonly known as Super
Mario Bros. The Lost Levels.
I hear it's a limited download
in terms of the time frame it
can be downloaded in. I don't
know how true it is, but if
that's the case, make sure to
download it quick!
Anyways, in this update, we got
some new Links
and Fan Works! Actually, we're
really, really looking for some
help in the Fan
Reviews section! Just
because a game is listed there
does not mean we do not need
another review for it - we
really need to get some!
And before the list...I'm
expecting something major to
happen...so check back
constantly in the next few
Added: 2 Fan Arts
Added: Mario Paint Totaka's Song |
Massive Update Delay |
Posted by Super Mallow |
I told you the massive update is
coming, and it still is. It's
been delayed.
If you're new here, this seems
to happen to me too many times!
This time, it's legit though.
Saturday morning I was working
on the site, and they started to
do server work at 12:00 in the
afternoon. I just got access to
editing the site this morning.
Obviously, the whole day of
Saturday was lost, as Sunday. I
wanted to get the update done
this Sunday because I have exams
all this week for school.
Actually, in about 20 minutes
after this is posted, I'll be at
So, it's coming. I expect it to
be near the end of the week. |
Fan Works! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
This week's update isn't a whole
lot in terms of content I made,
but it is in terms of content
the fans made! We've got a ton
of new fan works for you guys
today, including pieces from the
Fan Art
section and
Fan Comics section!
But before we get to the list,
there needs to be something
said: If everything goes to
plan, Sunday will have an
update. This update will be the
largest ever, and possible will
remain the largest update. And a
lot more Fan Works will be added
then as well!
So, check back then. No
promises, but I have everything
all set for it. I'm hoping to
finish it buy 8:00 on Sunday,
but it may be later. Who knows
though, it may just come sooner,
so keep coming back throughout
the week, you never know if and
when it'll happen
So in mean time and between time
(Yes, I just a lyric from a
song...), here's some content to
fill you over
Added: 14 Fan Arts
Added: 8 Fan Comics |
Not Just Characters... |
Posted by Super Mallow |
It's been 10 days, and I
actually thought it would be
longer for an update to come!
Well, college has started. It's
not bad here, but of course, if
it were possible I wouldn't be
taking any classes! Got to
though, school's important.
With that said, and mentioned in
previous updates, content will
be more scarce, or at least more
spread out. I don't have any
consoles here (though I will
soon!), though Mario Golf:
Advance Tour is helping me out
right now!
No Fan Works this update. We've
had some submissions due to a
very nice author, but
unfortunately, we can't figure
how to get them to work right
now! Once we do, they'll be
posted very soon. The Sm's
Journal page has also been
As far as content, a few nice
pages have been added. A new
Area Profiles, has joined
the site as a sister page to
Character Profiles! Also,
there's a giant enemies list in
this update, and for the first
time in a long time, I had to go
back and do a lot of spiriting.
Time for the list...
Added: Area Profiles
Added: Area Profiles - Forest Maze
Added: Mario Golf (N64) Review
Added: Super Mario World Enemies |
Quick Update |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Not a whole lot of content in
today's update. Truth is, I've
written some, but I'm saving it
for right now. Why? Well, this
week was all about preparing for
college, and college starts next
week. I do not know how much
I'll be able to do in the near
future, so I'm not adding it all
right now.
The content will come, but it
will be more spread out. College
will take a lot of time, so I do
not know how the site will
progress. I'm not even there yet
and I'm already looking forward
to the holiday breaks!
Anyways, we've had a lot of new
Fan Works, as well as some new
sites we've become partners
Added: 1 Fan Art
Added: 2 Fan Comics |
Contest 5 & More Fan Works! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
It's been a little bit too long
since the last update. Truth is,
the Message Board has become
more of a major focus.
Why? Because we just started our
5th Contest! It's a Trivia and a
Music contest, and it's long
awaited by the members.
We've also received a lot of Fan
Works, which is always great to
see! Our
Fan Comics
section is slowly starting to
catch up to our other sections.
I haven't added one page of
content otherwise. Too busy,
though I plan to do something in
the next week to make up for
Added: 1 Fan Art
Added: 5 Fan Comics |
100 Fan Works! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Today, Mario Legacy
reached one of our milestones we
hope to improve on: 100 pieces
of Fan Works. While we mainly
focus on a site for game info,
one of our biggest goals is to
create a large community and to
give fans a chance to show their
Really, we can't have a
successful site without the
fan's support. We don't get a
whole lot of visitors, but those
who do come support us a great
deal and we truly thank you for
Anyways, let's get down to the
site. I hope everyone enjoyed
the First Anniversary special,
as well as the comic that went
with it. It's a big step for us
reaching one full year on the
Internet. Not many sites can
successfully say that in their
Content wise, we have a good
sized update here. I've added
some different pieces for
different games. There's just
not a whole lot to say other
than that!
Added: Character Profiles - Rawk Hawk
Added: 1 Fan Art
Added: 1 Fan Comic
Added: Mario Kart: Super Circuit Review
Added: Mario Tennis (Game Boy Color) Review
Added: Super Mario World Levels
Added: Super Smash Bros. Melee Smashing Live! Soundtrack |
Mario Legacy's First
Anniversary! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
July 22, 2006: The day
Mario Legacy was started. It's
been a wonderful year, and we're
still going strong.
I wanted to make this the
largest content update ever, but
a concussion from hockey and
playoffs prevented that from
happening. I did have time to
add some content though.
Anyways, I'm going to get
straight to the list! All of the
E3 content will be in there!
Added: Character Profiles - Koops
Added: 1 Fan Art
Added: 1 Fan Comic
Added: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Enemies |
Reviews, Screenshots, Wallpapers
Info and More! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Got a lot of stuff for everyone
this week! A few new reviews, a
soundtrack, a comic, and some
But before we get to the list,
what else is new? There hasn't
been a lot of Mario news lately,
which is unfortunate. It's just
been a little slow lately
The Message Board took a big hit
with the loss of our moderator
Starry - she'll be back, just
not for a long while. Other than
that, a few old members
returned, and that's nice to
see. It's been very up and down
Anyways, there's not a whole lot
of news towards the site. We did
get our first link from
a site that's in another
language, and a lot of obscure
Mario games now have a bit of
content. I went back and found
my collection of screenshots to
numerous Mario games and I plan
to upload those slowly over the
next little while.
And believe it or not, our
Fan Art
section is our most popular
page. So if you want your work
seen, that's a great platform to
show it on!
And with that, let's go to the
Added: Character Profiles - Mr. L
Added: Dr. Mario Game Information
Added: 1 Fan Art
Added: Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Bosses
Added: Mario Kart 64 Soundtrack
Added: Mario Paint Letter Effects
Added: Super Mario 64 Ds Review
Added: Super Mario 64 Levels / Power Star Checklist
Added: Weekly Top 5: The Top 5 Mario RPG Items
Added: Yoshi's Island DS Review |
Super Paper Mario Catch Cards |
Posted by Super Mallow |
It has been a little while since
the last update, which is
entirely my fault. Some things
have happened, but I don't use
that as an excuse.
I haven't added a lot of
content, I just haven't had time
to write anything. A lot of
members at the Message
Board have been
requesting a resurgence of the
Weekly Top 5. And of course,
they also want the Comic
Series to be active.
We do have some good news
though: The
Fan Art
section has a new piece! We are asking for help
though... we really need some Fan
Reviews. If you've reviewed a
Mario title and want your review
posted, please submit it!
Added: 1 Fan Art
Added: Super Paper Mario Catch Cards |
Finally, Some Content! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Finally, time for some content.
And not just for Mario
Legacy, there's a huge update
Anyways, let's get to some news
and notes. The Comic
Series has finally
gotten a new episode done,
properly titled "Idk, My Bff
Jill?". We all know the joke,
but if you go to the Message
Board, you'll have a
ball with it.
Speaking of the Message
Board, we just
reached 20,000 posts!
As for our content, it's not
much. Work was a killer - on
Monday I racked up 13 hours and
on Thursday I had 12. Good news?
I sold a car, my first one!
Added: Super Smash Bros. Melee Items |
And...We're Back! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Well, we've been gone for a
little bit. Not the site itself,
but I have been gone.
It's a real short story
actually. I work 46 hours a week
(including a day off, that's how
heavy my schedule is) and my
computer broke - the screen's
backlight burned out
I got it back and am now posting
With this new work
responsibility comes much less
content. However, I'm willing to
sacrifice my break time at work
and start adding content there,
because I've set such a high
standard and do not want to
degrade the site to a lower
standard. I can't promise
anything though
In the mean time, I'll be
responding to all my emails.
We've had some new submissions
of content, and they are now up!
Added: 1 Fan Art |
Nintendo 64 |
Posted by Super Mallow |
It's been 11 days since the last
update. I've been very busy. I
actually planned an update
sooner, but with my computer
screen breaking, was not able to
put it up.
Anyways, for the site. A lot of
new sections within the
Nintendo 64 section have been
added - every game for the
Nintendo 64 now has at least 1
page of content.
Also, we're trying to make some
more of the Comic
Series. It's been a
little down lately, and we hope
that we can bring it back up.
Please pay a visit to it!
I haven't added any new
wallpapers in a while, but I
plan to do so. I got some new
ones I've made, I'm just being a
bit lazy and not putting them
I still haven't added those few
new things to the nav bar. I've
already made the pages, and at
least 1 will be up within the
next month. I have also decided
on a new section under
Miscellaneous Mario, and that
should be a fun section as well.
I do not know when I will put
that up.
And lastly, we have a new
section on the navigation menu
called "Willy Goat's Polls." If
you were here earlier and
remember the question about the
shower, this is a continuation
like question of randomness
(Although that was actually a
question thought up of by 4
different people). I do not
create these, these are all done
by my friend "Willy Goat," so
answer them for him!
Blame him, not me =
» Added: Mario Golf Characters
» Added: Mario Tennis Characters
» Added: Super Mario Bros. 3 Koopa Kids
» Added: Super Mario Kart Review
» Added: Super Smash Bros. Items |
4 Years Coming To An End... |
Posted by Super Mallow |
This is it. The last, last week
of high school. 3 more days left
and I'm completely done. With
that comes my time, so there
isn't a whole lot of new stuff
in this update.
Article 3: A Few Too Many Mario Party Games |
Let the Floodgates Open... |
Posted by Super Mallow |
I have not been doing such a
great job of updating, and I
apologize for that. 8 more days
of school (School days, not 8
total days) and that should
Anyways, this is just a basic
content update. Not a whole lot
of Mario news to report either.
All I can say is this: I
finished Super Paper Mario and
have a ton of sections I will do.
The only new thing to report is
that I've re-entered us in the
Forgotten Memories Topsites.
Also, I've joined the Oritsuru
Topsites as well!
In the meantime, here's some new
things to look at!
Character Profiles - Goombario
Character Profiles - Mallow
Mario & Luigi Items
Super Paper Mario Review |
Episode 27! |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Well, another small update with
no real content added. It has
been such a busy time for me, so
much so that I cant' remember
another 2 week span like it!
Anyways, hopefully some more
people have gotten Super Paper
Mario. I still have yet to
complete it, though I'm getting
close! I'm really hoping to
complete it by next week.
The contest at the Message
Board has been
slowed, and that's taken the air
out of the board recently. The
site itself has been fine, and
we're now on a solid traffic
base. |
Some Fan Works, And Some Comics |
Posted by Super Mallow |
It's been a little while, hasn't
First off, I got to talk about
Super Paper Mario. I haven't
played a game like I'm playing
it now in years. If you have a
Wii, I highly recommend it, it's
a tremendous game with so much
classical influence.
Next, how about the Message
Board? We've started
our 4th contest - Super Mario
Trivia. We're only slightly in
it, and if we get a bunch of
people joining, we'll find
something to even it up.
So, how about the site now? I
didn't add a whole lot of
content, it's been one of the
busiest weeks I've had in years.
But I did go nuts with the
comics, and I have all the way
up through episode 31 done.
Of course, they aren't all up =P
Anyways, we're recovering still
right now. We've actually made
some nice headway, but we're not
near where we were.
Time for the list...
Article 2: Super Paper Mario First Impressions |
Serenade of Light |
Posted by Super Mallow |
Serenade of Light: A whole lot
of Super Mario Bros. 3 with some
dark and light colors. Orange,
Green, Blue, the new style of
Mario Legacy.
I wanted to stay with the last
layout (Elemental Desires)
longer, but after messing around
with a new layout for fun, I
went nuts with the Super Mario
Bros. 3 theme and decided to
actually go through with it.
And of course, the Angry Sun is
in there. Really, who doesn't
love the Angry Sun?!?
First off, I need to thank
Masamune of GameHiker.
He helped so much with it,
especially going out of his way
to redo Elemental Desire's main
Anyways, we're back. Last night
I worked on this from 7:00 in
the afternoon to 2:00 in the
morning, getting it ready for
today. There's a very high
chance of errors though, because
I put this together faster than
I normally do.
I'd love to know what you think
of it, good or bad.
In the meantime, 2 new Mario
games were announced: Mario &
Sonic at the Olympic Games for
both the DS and Wii. Big news
that the 2 are getting together.
Hopefully this'll propel Sonic
into Brawl!
The Message Board has been a bit
down, naturally. We're
looking to get back on track, so
please, join today and post!
And now, the big list of what's
been added. I think we got a
record here...
Article 1: Mario & Sonic, Together at Last!
Mario & Luigi Armor
Paper Mario Quizmo's Quizzes
Paper Mario Review
Super Mario 64 Soundtrack
Super Mario RPG Main Characters
Super Mario RPG Secrets |